11.4. Batch Undo Fees

There are occasions when it will be necessary for you to Batch Undo Fees either for the entire Service or for an individual account.

For example, if you batch generate your fees for the entire service and then discover that you had not changed your fee Charge Types for the new financial year or you had forgotten to enter a Group Closure before generating the bills.

Alternatively, when an individual has had a reassessment by FAO you may be required to delete several weeks or months bills, change the CCB%, and then regenerate all of the bills. (In this instanceSpike will automatically generate a Supplementary Lodgement when you next request a Primary Lodgement).

Steps to: Batch Undo Fees


  2. Select FEES.

  3. Enter the date range of the bills you wish to remove.

  4. Select either 'All' or 'Select Range' by clicking in the appropriate Radio Button.

  5. Select option Output to: DISPLAY.

  6. Select OK.

  7. Select 'Yes' on the 'Batch undo fees' message that appears on your screen.

  8. Either print, if appropriate, or close the window showing 'Fees not undone due to Special CCB'.

  9. Select EXIT.