6.8. Set Purposes

Purposes (reasons for requiring care) were introduced as an alternative way for services to report their utilisation

Eg. Staff, Students(T.A.F.E. and University services), Community, Respite etc.

Steps to: - Create a New Purpose

  1. Select PURPOSES Tab

  2. Double Click on the Blank Railway Line at the bottom of the list of purposes

  3. Enter the abbreviation and description of the purpose

  4. Ignore the Work Related Check Box, it is obsolete for purposes used after 01/07/2000

  5. Select the User Selectable Check Box

  6. Enter in a display order no.

  7. Select OK

Steps to: - Edit a Purpose

  1. Select the PURPOSES Tab

  2. Double Click on the purpose you wish to edit

  3. Alter the details of the purpose, eg. Description/Abbreviation

  4. Select OK

Steps to: - Delete a Purpose

  1. Select the PURPOSES Tab

  2. Double Click on the purpose you wish to delete

  3. Select the DELETE button

  4. Confirm that you wish to delete this purpose

N.B. You can only Edit/Delete a purpose if no bills have been generated using this purpose

Steps to: - Make Obsolete a Purpose

  1. Select PURPOSES Tab

  2. Double Click on the purpose you wish to make obsolete

  3. Remove the tick from the User Selectable Check Box

  4. Select OK